APC-USV über USB ansprechen und ESX herunterfahren

plink -ssh root@ -pw 123 reboot

`-pw': specify a password

Mehr Infos
 7.2.1 Using Plink for interactive logins

       To make a simple interactive connection to a remote server, just
       type `plink' and then the host name:

         Z:\sysosd>plink login.example.com
         Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 flunky.example.com
         flunky login:

       You should then be able to log in as normal and run a session. The
       output sent by the server will be written straight to your command
       prompt window, which will most likely not interpret terminal control
       codes in the way the server expects it to. So if you run any full-
       screen applications, for example, you can expect to see strange
       characters appearing in your window. Interactive connections like
       this are not the main point of Plink.

       In order to connect with a different protocol, you can give the
       command line options `-ssh', `-telnet', `-rlogin' or `-raw'. To make
       an SSH connection, for example:

         Z:\sysosd>plink -ssh login.example.com
         login as:

       If you have already set up a PuTTY saved session, then instead of
       supplying a host name, you can give the saved session name. This
       allows you to use public-key authentication, specify a user name,
       and use most of the other features of PuTTY:

         Z:\sysosd>plink my-ssh-session
         Sent username "fred"
         Authenticating with public key "fred@winbox"
         Last login: Thu Dec  6 19:25:33 2001 from :0.0

       (You can also use the `-load' command-line option to load a saved
       session; see section If you use `-load', the saved session
       exists, and it specifies a hostname, you cannot also specify a
       `host' or `user@host' argument - it will be treated as part of the
       remote command.)

 7.2.2 Using Plink for automated connections

       More typically Plink is used with the SSH protocol, to enable you
       to talk directly to a program running on the server. To do this you
       have to ensure Plink is _using_ the SSH protocol. You can do this in
       several ways:

        -  Use the `-ssh' option as described in section 7.2.1.

        -  Set up a PuTTY saved session that describes the server you are
           connecting to, and that also specifies the protocol as SSH.

        -  Set the Windows environment variable `PLINK_PROTOCOL' to the
           word `ssh'.

       Then you can set up other programs to run this Plink command and
       talk to it as if it were a process on the server machine.


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